
Τρίτη 16 Ιουνίου 2015

Amateur Radio Club to discuss Field Day plans at June 18 meeting

The June program of the Winona Amateur Radio Club will feature planning for the club’s Field Day 2015 activities.
Lance Tagliapietra is spearheading the club’s entry in this year’s national Field Day event and will lead discussion of plans for the June 27-28 weekend.
While Field Day is principally an emergency communications exercise--with stations working off the grid--it also provides many educational and special project opportunities. Persons interested in ham radio would find the program to be an interesting introduction to many activities within the licensed amateur radio service.
The program begins at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 18 at the Winona County Office Building, Conference Room B, 202 West Third Street, Winona. This program is open to the public. There will be a brief social period after the program.
For additional information about the Winona Amateur Radio Club and its activities, see www.wø


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